Allow employees to safely self-report.
With a self-reporting tool, employers can help keep the workplace safe, by following health department recommendations that every employee be assessed for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors each day before entering the workplace. Allow employees to respond to known COVID-19 indicators and record their temperatures from any mobile device. The information can flag potential concerns and allow the employer to plan the best response with the employee before they report to work.
Self Reporting
vIDix iReport makes it easy to stay in compliance with the COVID-19 Self-Reporting Guidelines. iReport has a built-in process flow to keep the organization and employees on track with self-reporting. This helps to relieve some of the day-to-day stresses and burdensome tasks of employee management during this difficult time.
Via smart phone, tablet or pc, employees respond to health questions and record their temperature. When an employee’s responses require follow-up, notification is immediately sent to the person or team designated by the organization to further investigate and determine if the employee should report to work. iReport information can integrate with vIDix Control, Ban-Koe’s door access solution and prevent employees who have not self-reported or have unresolved indicator flags from entering the building.
vIDix iReport will record each event with date/time stamp for future reporting and analysis. This means detailed analysis can be run at any time to see the response time for each cycle and event. You will know day-to-day how the self-reporting process is going along with any employees taking their time to respond to each request.

Quickly identify the staff who are affected.
If an employee has been infected with COVID-19 it's important to quickly identify the other staff the employee has been in contact with. With this tool quickly run contact tracing information to inform employees who have been in contact in the past 14+ days.
Contact Tracing
Besides being able to quickly and accurately detect persons infected by COVID-19; it is just as important to know where they have been, and who they have had contact with for the last 14+ days.
vIDix Trace Management Software provides visibility to which locations a person has traveled to, the time frame of each visit, as well as identifying the areas within the facility they traveled through. Furthermore, identifying the other employees onsite that day.
Simply select your employee and the time frame of your query. Then print out the on-screen real-time report as well as historical data for the various locations visited and the doors used each day. Employers can easily identify a list of all persons to notify that were onsite at each location each day during, as well as after the infected person was onsite. Equally important, validate that the infected person has not traveled to other specific locations.
vIDix Trace Manager can provide metrics to help determine which locations and areas within each facility are high-traffic zones and require elevated cleaning protocols and cycles.

How do body temperature readings protect employees, visitors?
Body temperature is the leading indicator of COVID-19. Thermal Images can passively detect body temperatures that exceed the set threshold. Notifications to the person and/or to management can be set to alert the condition. Then pre-planned procedures can be followed.
Automated Temperature Screening
To protect those entering a building, implementing a high-end temperature screening solution, will make screening safer, faster and smarter. With a thermal imager device, organizations can immediately detect a preliminary screening of elevated skin-surface temperatures of those entering the building with an accuracy up to +/- 0.5°F. With early detection, organizations can safely identify if those entering the building need further evaluation. The thermal imager focuses temperature measurement areas on human bodies to avoid false alarms caused by other heat sources. Using screening of elevated skin-surface temperatures instead of body temperatures protects individual's privacy.
For increased safety, measurements are non-contact allowing measurements to be conducted from a distance of 3 to 18 feet away. Options for the thermal imager include a mounted or handheld device. These can be installed at an entrance, monitoring everyone that enters the building, detecting exceeding body temperatures for up to 30 people at a time. For further contact tracing, video recording can also be included.
In addition to heat detection, the thermal imager can also detect if the person is wearing a mask or not. If not, an alert can be sent to management to ensure policies for wearing masks in the building are being enforced.